
This plugin demonstrates how to add custom context and layouts. The purpose here is to get information from GitHub (eg stars, forks, etc) and use it in a new pre-designed layout.


To enable this plugin, add it to your list of sphinx extensions in conf.py:

extensions = [


This extension uses html_theme_options[repo_url] from sphinx-immaterial configuration value or its own repo_url configuration value to set the repository URL.

repo_url : str = ''
repo_url = "https://github.com/2bndy5/sphinx-social-cards"

The repository’s required identifying information (owner and repo) can also be parsed from the site_url if it uses a standard GitHub Pages address (https://<owner>.github.io/<repo>).


Information from GitHub is fetched using GitHub’s REST API endpoints. If there is a need to authenticate HTTP GET requests from the REST API, then set an environment variable GITHUB_REST_API_TOKEN with the generated access token. This is mostly useful when fetching information about private repositories or to avoid the REST API rate limit.


To cache the owner/repository information, the appdirs dependency is needed. This can either be install directly:

pip install appdirs

or using the sphinx-social-cards package’s optional dependency:

Implementation details about the cached information

By default, the cache of owner/repository information is updated once a day (unless the cache is purged).

How the cache location is chosen via appdirs API
def get_cache_dir() -> str:
    time_fmt = "%B %#d %Y" if platform.system().lower() == "windows" else "%B %-d %Y"
    today = time.strftime(time_fmt, time.localtime())
    cache_dir = Path(
            version=today,  # (1)!
    if cache_dir.parent.exists() and not cache_dir.exists():
        shutil.rmtree(cache_dir.parent)  # purge the old cache
    return str(cache_dir)
  1. Following the appdirs README, this will create a cache according to the OS used:

    • On Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\2bndy5\sphinx_social_cards.plugins.github\Cache\<month> <day> <year>

    • On Linux: /home/$(whoami)/.cache/sphinx_social_cards.plugins.github/<month> <day> <year>

    • On MacOS: /Users/$(id -un)/Library/Caches/sphinx_social_cards.plugins.github/<month> <day> <year>

Added Layouts

These are examples of the layouts added:

Added Context

This plugin adds the following members to the plugin.* jinja context:

class Github

A dict that can be accessed via plugin.vcs.github jinja context

owner : Owner

The github account owner information.

repo : Repo

The github account repo information.

repo Sub-Context

class Repo

A dict that can be accessed via plugin.vcs.github.repo jinja context

stars : int | str

The number of repository stars.

watchers : int | str

The number of repository watchers.

forks : int | str

The number of repository forks.

license : str

The name of the license(s).

open_issues : int | str

The number of open repository issues.

topics : List[str]

The list of search topics designated for the repository.

name : str | None

The name of the repository.

description : str | None

The repository description.

language : str | None

The primarily used program language in the repository.

languages : Dict[str, float]

A dict of the used program languages in the repository. Each key is a language’s name (eg. “Python”), and each value is the corresponding language’s percent used (eg “97.8”).

homepage : str | None

The repository’s designated outreach website (with protocols like https:// stripped).

html_url : str | None

The repository GitHub.com URI (with protocols like https:// stripped).

tags : List[str]

A list of the repository’s tags (str). These values seem to be ordered in recent descending to oldest tagged commits.

contributors : List[Contributor]

A list of the repository’s contributors.

owner Sub-Context

class Owner

A dict that can be accessed via plugin.vcs.github.owner jinja context

login : str

The account’s name.

avatar : str

The account’s avatar image’s URL.

type : str

The account’s type (eg “User” or “Organization”).

name : str | None

The account user’s human name.

followers : int | str

The number of users that the account is following.

following : int | str

The number of users that are following the account.

bio : str | None

The account profile’s brief description.

blog : str | None

A link to a blog site.

hirable : bool | None

A flag indicating the user is available for employment.

email : str | None

The publicly available email (if any).

location : str | None

The account profile’s location.

public_repos : int | str

The number of public repositories for the account.

public_gists : int | str

The number of public gists for the account.

twitter_username : str | None

The account user’s twitter username.

html_url : str | None

The URI to the GitHub.com site (with protocols like https:// stripped).

organizations : List[Organization]

A list of the Organizations to which the account belongs.

User List Sub-Contexts

class Contributor

A dict that can be accessed via each item listed in the plugin.vcs.github.repo.contributors jinja context

contributions : int | str

The account’s contributions count.

login : str

The account’s name.

avatar : str

The account’s avatar image’s URL.

class Organization

A dict that can be accessed via each item listed in the plugin.vcs.github.owner.organizations jinja context

description : str

The organization’s profile description

login : str

The account’s name.

avatar : str

The account’s avatar image’s URL.