Preset Gradients
A generated list of the available gradient presets. Each section of this page contains the
string value of the preset and the alternative integer (in parentheses) corresponding to the named
WarmFlame (1)
NightFade (2)
SpringWarmth (3)
JuicyPeach (4)
YoungPassion (5)
LadyLips (6)
SunnyMorning (7)
RainyAshville (8)
FrozenDreams (9)
WinterNeva (10)
DustyGrass (11)
TemptingAzure (12)
HeavyRain (13)
AmyCrisp (14)
MeanFruit (15)
DeepBlue (16)
RipeMalinka (17)
CloudyKnoxville (18)
MalibuBeach (19)
NewLife (20)
TrueSunset (21)
MorpheusDen (22)
RareWind (23)
NearMoon (24)
WildApple (25)
SaintPetersburg (26)
PlumPlate (28)
EverlastingSky (29)
HappyFisher (30)
Blessing (31)
SharpeyeEagle (32)
LadogaBottom (33)
LemonGate (34)
ItmeoBranding (35)
ZeusMiracle (36)
OldHat (37)
StarWine (38)
HappyAcid (41)
AwesomePine (42)
NewYork (43)
ShyRainbow (44)
MixedHopes (46)
FlyHigh (47)
StrongBliss (48)
FreshMilk (49)
SnowAgain (50)
FebruaryInk (51)
KindSteel (52)
SoftGrass (53)
GrownEarly (54)
SharpBlues (55)
ShadyWater (56)
DirtyBeauty (57)
GreatWhale (58)
TeenNotebook (59)
PoliteRumors (60)
SweetPeriod (61)
WideMatrix (62)
SoftCherish (63)
RedSalvation (64)
BurningSpring (65)
NightParty (66)
SkyGlider (67)
HeavenPeach (68)
PurpleDivision (69)
AquaSplash (70)
SpikyNaga (72)
LoveKiss (73)
CleanMirror (75)
PremiumDark (76)
ColdEvening (77)
CochitiLake (78)
SummerGames (79)
PassionateBed (80)
MountainRock (81)
DesertHump (82)
JungleDay (83)
PhoenixStart (84)
OctoberSilence (85)
FarawayRiver (86)
AlchemistLab (87)
OverSun (88)
PremiumWhite (89)
MarsParty (90)
EternalConstance (91)
JapanBlush (92)
SmilingRain (93)
CloudyApple (94)
BigMango (95)
HealthyWater (96)
AmourAmour (97)
RiskyConcrete (98)
StrongStick (99)
ViciousStance (100)
PaloAlto (101)
HappyMemories (102)
MidnightBloom (103)
Crystalline (104)
PartyBliss (106)
ConfidentCloud (107)
LeCocktail (108)
RiverCity (109)
FrozenBerry (110)
ChildCare (112)
FlyingLemon (113)
NewRetrowave (114)
HiddenJaguar (115)
AboveTheSky (116)
Nega (117)
DenseWater (118)
Seashore (120)
MarbleWall (121)
CheerfulCaramel (122)
NightSky (123)
MagicLake (124)
YoungGrass (125)
ColorfulPeach (126)
GentleCare (127)
PlumBath (128)
HappyUnicorn (129)
AfricanField (131)
SolidStone (132)
OrangeJuice (133)
GlassWater (134)
NorthMiracle (136)
FruitBlend (137)
MillenniumPine (138)
HighFlight (139)
MoleHall (140)
SpaceShift (142)
ForestInei (143)
RoyalGarden (144)
JuicyCake (146)
SmartIndigo (147)
SandStrike (148)
NorseBeauty (149)
AquaGuidance (150)
SunVeggie (151)
SeaLord (152)
BlackSea (153)
GrassShampoo (154)
LandingAircraft (155)
WitchDance (156)
SleeplessNight (157)
AngelCare (158)
CrystalRiver (159)
SoftLipstick (160)
SaltMountain (161)
PerfectWhite (162)
FreshOasis (163)
StrictNovember (164)
MorningSalad (165)
DeepRelief (166)
SeaStrike (167)
NightCall (168)
SupremeSky (169)
LightBlue (170)
MindCrawl (171)
LilyMeadow (172)
SugarLollipop (173)
SweetDessert (174)
MagicRay (175)
TeenParty (176)
FrozenHeat (177)
GagarinView (178)
FabledSunset (179)
PerfectBlue (180)